Life is a journey that sometimes we forget is our own. We buy into other people's visions and dreams. We make their fulfillments our own. In many ways, helping fulfill others' hopes and dreams tends to serve our own, if we are in alignment.
I have made a ton of decisions in the past week, nothing short of difficult on many fronts. They were decisions that had to be made.
Many around me felt 'blindsided' by these; however, for me, it has taken months to make a decision. I no longer make decisions out of emotion, so if I feel triggered or emotional, I tend to hold back until I am not.
I found the safest way to find the truth out is to:
Back off. Take a step back and move from being a player in the game to an observer in the game. Observe action. Observe what is being said. Are those two in alignment?
Pay attention to the things not being said. Are the books open and honest, or are they shut with smoke and mirrors of wishes?
What is your body telling you? Have you been in this place before? How does it feel within your body?
Those three simple steps have saved me so much long-term heartache and pain. In the short term, absolutely, it can be hell on the heart.
Again though, take the emotion out and look to see what is there. For me, the short-term pain was of what others were going to say... and they absolutely said all the things I was sure they were going to.
"I knew that was a scam. I thought it was too good to be true." or "I gave it a year and she has already moved. I was right."
People always have their opinions and love being right. We all get drunk in our righteousness. Sometimes we are right, and sometimes we are wrong...
However, I do not think it is that simple. I think things begin one way and evolve over time. I believe that great intentions turn into fraud and pain within the right circumstances and situations.
I think that is why you can never want something so badly to work that you miss what is happening right in front of you. You cannot live in the beginning phase forever. Evolution has to happen.
In the process, expect there to be frustration or anger. I have learned that anytime you make a change in business that takes food off someone else's plate, expect:
Them to try and mind-fu** you. It is a game for some people. I do not respond past the expiration date. Once our business is tied up, you will never hear from me again.
Lies and gossip. It is not about you; it is about them wanting to look good. They will do anything to get to you, including their own versions of stories. Let them. Do not try to defend yourself or stop it. I just reply with "so interesting."
Attacks on your business. They will do whatever they can in the shadows and publicly to harm your business. Your best defense? Be you. Do business the way you do.
So if your truth upsets some people, I said what I said. Leave it there.

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